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November Roundup

Small thanksgiving plate

I didn't get back to blogging as quick as I thought in November so this roundup is shorter. The first two weeks were just... wracked with election anxiety. My analytics are proof of this, as were many other food bloggers! All people seemed to be able to do was either avoid the internet totally, or refresh so hard their fingers ached. I alternated between the two, so I understand both world in that regard.

Luckily, things eventually shook out in a manner I deem favorable. Then I realized Thanksgiving was coming, and I had a few Thanksgiving recipes to share for people who still wanted to cook, even if (and I hope) just for themselves and/or their households. I love Thanksgiving foods AND leftovers, so this spread was perfect.

November recipes

House Updates

I've been doing little things here and there, deep cleaning bit by bit. I'm obsessed with Bar Keeper's Friend and how beautiful it makes the sinks and bathtub look.

And in actual fun news, I moved some things around in the backyard patio area, so the fountain has more room to breathe, and I added a hook for towels and robes by the hot tub!

Other than that kind of boring stuff, I've just been enjoying this beautiful November in South Carolina weather by working outside a lot, going on walks as soon as I log off from work at 4:30, and doing yoga. Life is as boring as it needs to be for November 2020.

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