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May Roundup

May roundup

This month has been a quick one, and a full one. I had a birthday, we celebrated our 12 year wedding anniversary, and 15 year together anniversary. The rumblings of returning the the office grew louder (we are staying home til August at least), and I have no foreseeable freelance deadlines. That's the May roundup, in a nutshell. And if you're reading this on Monday, I hope you are having a Memorial Day.

May Recipes

Sorbet Fizz

Preserved Lemon Butter Beans

Cafe Con Leche

Butternut Squash Tostadas

I also discussed my garnish garden, food to enjoy while watching the Friends reunion show, how to climb out of a cooking rut, which includes just like, not cooking for a while. In fact, I took a week off from posting because as I said before, it's re-set time.

More Re-Sets

Do you like the idea 0f re-setting your life? You could go extreme like this story in The Atlantic about a woman who had amnesia and started a whole new life. Or you could be a little more realistic about it and use these last few months before people try and really kick start things again to assess: do I like what I am doing, how I spend my time, where my money goes, and who I know?

I am clearing out space in my life to decide where I want it to go, because I've been coasting in busyness for a long time now. This is a summer re-set.

Summer Re-Set

I know I like my work-from-home self. I had a struggle in the early spring with feeling too isolated, but now I purposely try to do things that require effort. Whether it's physical effort like going to yoga or taking a new route whole walking, or just leaving the house to drive to get a coffee from somewhere, making myself do something almost every day is key.

I am also embarking on teaching myself to use the manual settings on my camera this summer. Photography used to be a hobby of mine, and with iPhones it's so easy to just forget it all. But those nice photos, the best ones, come from using your instincts and the camera's settings, and lenses for the proper situation.

Freelancing will be set aside for the summer while I evaluate my priorities. Basically the only new thing I plan to add is the photography. In that vein, I am going to discontinue my three day a week blog posting schedule I've held myself to since Jan 1, 2021 and just post when I have something great to share.

What are you doing this summer?


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