Time is strange, especially lately. I used to never have enough time for all of the things I wanted to do each day, week, month, season, year. But now I have lots of time, and also an ability to remember far back things — like when a friend asked me if I could replicate the Greek spicy feta dip from a local restaurant.
It took me a while to go to said restaurant because I had a psychotic stalker ex who I found out worked there for a while. But he has been long gone from it for more than a year. I finally felt okay to go there and pick up some to go food, including this spicy feta dip. And it was worth the wait for the dip!
Trying New Things
With some reverse engineering and looking up other similar recipes, I think I got it. I also did something absolutely unthinkable for me. I added an olive to a food on purpose and ATE it, and LIKED IT. As a self avowed olive hater, I've never been able to handle that gross briney taste in anything. But I knew as I was tasting my version of this dip, that the little green flecks in the restaurant version were definitely olive pieces. There was no way around it.
I happen to live with an olive lover though so I plucked one out of a jar he snacks on, crossed my fingers, and threw it in the food processor. After a quick whir, and then another to make sure the green flesh was totally pulverized into the feta dip, I taste checked it. Yep, now it was tasting much more like the restaurant version. Olives. I cannot believe me.
I did take down the spice level just a tad for my version, because Patrick commented on the spice levels in the restaurant version. It wasn't so spicy it hurt, but you certainly knew there were red pepper flakes in it for sure. You can adjust your spice levels to whatever you desire, of course!
Greek Spicy Feta Dip
- Food processor
- 10 ounces feta cheese
- 12 ounce jar of roasted red peppers, drained (or 2 whole peppers)
- 2 cloves garlic
- 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar (or substitute lemon juice)
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 teaspoon dry oregano
- 1 green martini olive
- red pepper flakes to taste
- Mix all ingredients together in a food processor. Blend until completely smooth.
- Serve with pita chips.
So there you have it. If you ask me to reverse engineer a recipe, I'll get to it eventually! Now I just have to remember who asked me about this...
And before I wrap up, can I just say that I absolutely am in LOVE with the Crate & Barrel Flow chip and dip bowl? Anytime I want food that needs to be dipped into a condiment, I pull it down and load it up! Did I mention it's also dishwasher safe? YES.
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