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Grocery Review: Clemson Blue Cheese Dressing

The story of Clemson blue cheese begins in an abandoned tunnel in the Upstate of South Carolina. What you really need to know is you're missing out. Get some Clemson blue cheese dressing immediately. The university produces a line of dairy products with their scientific methodology, including ice cream, chunks of blue cheese, and blue cheese dressing.

Each 12 ounce jar contains three ounces of pure blue cheese. That means a quarter of the jar is blue cheese, which gives it a high concentration of tangy flavor. Some blue cheeses can taste unpleasantly sharp. But their six-month aging process and tests for optimal humidity and temperature conditions produces a mellow but still very pronounced flavor. This style of blue cheese is akin to a Roquefort cheese if you need a comparison.

The dressing is produced at Duke Sandwich Company (no affiliation with Duke's Mayonnaise) in Easley, South Carolina, which is not too far from Clemson.

If you like blue cheese, you'll love this dressing — on a salad, to dip carrot and celery sticks in, and any other place you like to drizzle flavorful blue cheese dressing. In fact, if you're looking to up your vegetable intake, this dressing may help you achieve that goal.

Since it's a freshly made dressing, the shelf life is not as long as shelf-stable dressings, especially once it's opened. So when you buy this special dressing, plan to use it quickly — but that shouldn't be a problem.

You can buy it online, or at retail locations around the Southeast. Local to Columbia and Lexington, SC: You can buy it at Primal Gourmet (at my suggestion, yay!), Wingard's Market, the Farmer's Shed, and Four Oaks Farm.

Want more blue cheese goodness? Try Jessica's blue cheese dip and fig and blue cheese ice cream.

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