You can take lessons to learn almost anything here in Columbia. French cooking, belly dancing, pole dancing, how to fly an airplane... anything. Thanks to a Groupon that I snagged back in December for my dad's Christmas present, we got to take archery lessons this past weekend at Jeffery Archery!
The Groupon was $29 for a two hour lesson and range time for two, which is a great deal considering their regular rates are $15 for an hour of range time plus bow rental with no lesson involved. It was a group lesson which was fine because this basic form of archery didn't take much instruction. We learned about proper form, some basic range safety, and a few tips for precision then lined up to start firing.
Proper form includes standing with your hips squared off and facing the wall closest to your drawing arm. I am right handed so my left hip was closest to the target, and my left hand was holding the bow.
The bows we used were a basic compound bow with the tension adjusted for the individual's strength. The more tension in the bow, the deeper the arrow went into the target (or if we were hunting in Early America, deeper into the deer).
Archery is much more of an arm workout than I anticipated! The arm holding the bow (my left) got an intense bicep and shoulder session, and my drawing arm (the right) got a tricep, pec, and shoulder session! But the most rewarding part, other than getting to learn a cool skill with my dad, was getting a bullseye! Yeah, that's me right there in the center! Boom!
Being a seasoned shooter of guns (what is the word for that?? I can't think of it at all!), I had a pretty good feel for aim when translating it into bows and arrows. My dad did pretty decently too, like I told him- at least they're all grouped together which equals consistency. Now that I've got guns, bows and arrows, and some light martial arts experience, what's the next kind of weaponry to tackle? Throwing stars? Nunchucks? Swords?!
An hour or two of archery is a great way to spend an afternoon learning a new skill and practicing your hand-eye coordination that doesn't involve sitting on the couch playing vivdja games. And for $15 per person per hour, it's a worthwhile way to amuse and challenge yourself for an afternoon. Jeffery Archery is right off of the Bluff Road exit on I-77 (to the right if you're heading north on 77) and less than a mile from the exit ramp.
I did archery in 8th grade gym class, and LOVED it. Something tells me it will be very in vogue now that The Hunger Games is all the rage. Nice bullseye, by the way!
(PS- excited for ice cream!!)