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13 Ways To Use Summer Squash

Summer squash, so prolific, so nourishing, so boring after a while... or not? Through the years I've collected quite a number of ways to use squash, some enjoyable, some not so much. Here are 13 of them in a quick roundup for your eating pleasure.

  1. Stir fried with coconut (or olive) oil, onions, garlic, basil, and topped with Parmesan cheese.
  2. As a taco filling. Sautee onions and squash chunks with a tablespoon of taco seasoning and load until taco shells dressed your favorite way. Call them squacos and intrigue everyone. Recipe forthcoming.
  3. Zucchini bread- an old standby that'll have you turning the ceiling fan on to offset the oven heat, but tastes so good.
  4. On kebabs with this freakin' amazing marinade recipe.
  5. Stuffed with sausage (or faux sausage- I like Field Roast's and Tofurky's Italian flavored ones) that has been cut into chunks and sauteed with red peppers and cherry tomatoes. Save the scooped out part for squacos.
  6. Julienned in a mandolin and topped with hot pasta sauce and cheese if you like. The heat from the sauce softens the noodles slightly while still retaining a nice raw crunch.
  7. Sliced thinly,  lightly oiled, grilled, and used as a sandwich filler.
  8. In ratatouille once eggplants and tomatoes are also overflowing your CSA box. It's ironic that these vegetables are all best in the summer, but this stew is a great winter bone-warmer. Freeze some for those dark and hateful months.
  9. Sliced into thin ribbons with a mandoline and tossed with cheese and a few other ingredients for a gorgeous salad.
  10. Sliced into thin rounds and baked as chips.
  11. Potato and squash gratin (one of my favorites!).
  12. Irene's squash casserole. Recipe forthcoming.
  13. Summer squash and corn chowder, another favorite!

And one thing to NOT try out is zucchini ice cream- I made this horrendous mistake last year and I don't want you to waste perfectly good cream, sugar, or electricity on this guaranteed taste failure.

Hopefully those will clear out your fridge or garden for a while. What are some other awesome ways to use summer squash?



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